Man meeting with therapistToday’s discussion at Full Circle Florida Mental Health will be all about Covid-19 Vaccines and whether they are here to stay. Read This Article for additional information about Covid-19 vaccine. Knowledge is always power and can always provide reassurance to those who may feel uncertainty surrounding the future of Covid-19. There is so much information available from many perspectives and it can be a challenge to determine what is trust worthy information.

Today we have something we didn’t have when the pandemic first began, that is  in the form of case study information, clinical trials and best practices. As a country we sacrificed so much to move America forward as a whole. Our freedom, mental health, economy and the lives of many of our friends and family were snatched away with no notice. In America, the land of the free this was unheard of.  We now must make a decision not only for ourselves but for our families.

The pros of the vaccine may be:

  • Protection against the known variants of Covid-19.
  • Restoring freedoms and normalcy to our lives
  • Slowing the spread of Covid-19

The cons of the vaccine may be:

  • Adverse reaction to the vaccine
  • Freedoms and normalcy still disrupted
  • Mask requirements for unvaccinated individuals

Now that everyone has grown accustomed to the vaccine pros and cons surfacing online. It is time to make a choice. The conversation with loved ones could assist you in making a choice either for or against receiving the vaccine. As they will be most impacted by your decision. Of course, make the choice on your own time.

Next Year

What will the CDC say next year? We don’t know yet but it seems Covid-19 has developed variants and continues to be easily spread. Returning to in-person learning, working in the office without restrictions and NO mask mandates being in place it is now in the hands of the individual to decide what personal safety will look like. Please do so with direction from medical experts that consider each persons unique risk factors. Whiles Vaccines continue to be a choice. We encourage everyone to make their own.  The CDC website is updated daily. They report there will be more guidance related to medical treatment practices and prevention recommendation. There is also conversation surrounding vaccines for babies and younger children.  Please checkout the for more information on next steps and as a safe source of information.

The Future

Are we in for a lifetime of Covid-19 repeat vaccinations? Just as the flu mutates, it seems like the CDC is leaning toward what they are now calling a booster shot. We are recommended to receive our flu shots each year and so annual vaccines don’t appear to be so out of the way. But, the questions only leaves questions. So for now, we encourage everyone to take it day by day and practice patience with answering loaded questions, with so many implications. Remember, Covid-19 developed  rapidly. it is the same for the development of innovative best practices. With all that has transpired, we can only get better. The future looks bright for the world.

Thanks for stopping by. Contact us at Full Circle Florida and talk to our team about any information you need regarding mental health.

Lesli Odum, MS, LMHC, MCAP-LP, QS

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